Odd Shape's Tutorial



1) Open a new image 300X300.

2) Click on the select tool .

3) Now pick a shape to start with: "Rectangle, square, ellipes or circle"

4) Make a shape off to one side in the upper corner.

5) Now using the same or pick a different shape hold down the shift key and make the next shape on top of the last shape where you would like it to be.

6) Now if you want, add more shapes until it looks like you want it to.

7) Now that you have the shape you want, open a pattern to fill it with.

8) Now buttonize any way you want, Then decorate as you wish.

9) Then use the select tool and make a box around your shape, Then click once. Then copy, Then past as new image, This will get rid of the extra image from the 300X300.



Copyright © 2000 by GandlfDrgn, all rights reserved


Tutorials By  GandlfDrgn@AOL.com 
This and all tutorials made by me are copyrighted and are the sole property of GandlfDrgn. All graphics used in this tutorial are property of there respective artist and I would like to give them full credit and thanks. I give my permission to  Ldy Archrr aka Artists for PSP to place any and all tutorials that I have made on her site.. this 18th day of October 2000