A Tutorial On Glass Looking Text
. 1) open a new page 250 X 150 transparent. 2) Now use the text tool Size up to you text also up to you. I will use Ad-lib BT size 28.
3) Now with them ants running use the spray tool Hardness = 0 opacity = 100 density = 100 step = 25 shape = round and spray over your text until you start to see your color lightly, white will be white glass blue blue glass and so on. I'm going to use white.
4) now with it like that go to image filters and use unlead web plugins button any shape. these settings Bevel size = 16 smoothness = 2 bevel type I used the first one here fine control = 50
5) now you can drop shadow and decorate as you like.
When your done with that, use the select tool Note: the lighter you spray the more transparent the glass look.
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