Candy Bar Tutorial . . 1) open a new image 50X50 transparent. 2) now set your foreground color to chocolate brown this one works for me.
red 72 blue 48 green 10 or use the sample to
pattern fill 3) fill your square with this color. 4) Now go to image + plugins + eyecandy + inner bevel and use these settings: width = 6, shape = mesa, smothness = 5, shadow depth = 21, brightness = 72, sharpness = 100, direction = 238, inclnation = 64 and you get this:
5) Open a new image 300 X 300 6) Now copy the first image and past as new layer onto the new selection and move it to the width 50 mark and hight 100 mark. 7) Now do the last step again moving it to 50 X 150, now keep doing this untell you have a full candy bar here are the placment # using Ctrl + E will do this faster then edit past as new selection. 100X100 , 100X150 , 150X100, 150X150, 200X100, 200X 150, 250X100, 250X 150 and you should have something that looks like this.
Note: Now if you want you can make this a 3 section bar by adding one more row 50X 200, 100X200, 150X200 200X200 250X200.
Now lets add some letters 8) move your foreground color to the back by clicking on the little arrow between them and make your new foreground color a darker brown
red 56 blue 37 green 6. 9) Now select your text tool Using the same # settings as above then you will know there in the center. First letter 50X100 10) Then Image effects cutout use these settings. fill interior checked foreground color selected, Shadow color black, opacity = 100, blur = 3.3, vertical = 1, horizontal = 1. Add letters to all squares using the same settings. The text I used was codexSSk size 16 regular.
This one was done the same way just bigger and the direction and inclenation set different so don't be scared to play. and as you can see the color is different, Didn't like it so found one that looked better. . Now if you want to put a wrapper on it continue on. 11) Add new layer then using the select tool starting at 24X74 and going to 180X175 then fill Then go to image effects buttonize. height = 6, width = 1, opacity = 100, transparent edge checked. 12) Now add new layer then go to 175X75 and go to 200X175 save this pattern and open it in psp the pattern fill the new selection. Then move layer 3 between layer 2 and 1.
13) merge visible then drop shadow. 14 ) then add a name to the wrapper and there you have it one candy bar. Just copy then past as new image and save.
for the name on this one I used the same text but went to size 5.
this one was done by making a foil rectangle and then adding the wrapper on a new layer and buttonizing like above. this one was done making one square and freehanding the wrapper edges and deleting.
using the select tool then hold shift key make another circle joining the first then one more time then hit delete key. then clean up any left over bar from the corner. . I think that will give you plenty to play with. =)
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