Sun Catcher Tutorial
. Note: This is a long two part tutorial but very attractive when done. Ok for all of you that don't have the font "Chains" just download it into your font folder or install it how you would any other font. . 1) Open a new image 300X300 transparent. 2) Click on the shape tool 3) Now click on the text tool 4) Now if you have glass patterns open one. Then select the ding and go to selections modify contract and set it for 2 or 3 pix. Then fill it with your selected pattern. If you don't have a pattern just fill it with a color. Deselect the ding. 5) Now with your line tool
6) Now open more glass patterns and use them to fill the areas that you made using the line tool. Or use different colors. 7) Then using the shape tool set on ellipes 3 pix to add a little ring at the top.
This finishes the first part minimize this image for later use. . Now on to the second part. 1) Open a new image 300X300 transparent. 2) Using the shape tool Note: Make it compatible with your sun catcher. 3) Now select this shape and buttonize it any way you want. So it looks like a wire frame. I used black as the shape color and then used flaming pear silver to colorize it.
4) Now go to the sun catcher image and copy it (Resize if you need to, this can be done with the deformation tool after you past it). Then go back to the frame and past as new layer. Center it.
5) Now open your layer palette and click the layer with the frame, then click your text tool and use this text and letter. chains letter I size 36 regular or a size that fills the space. and move it so it looks like its hanging on the frame and hooked in the loop of the suncatcher. 6) Now deselect the chain, Then go to image + plugins + eyecandy + perspective shadow, settings = vanishing point direction = 113 distance = 86 length = 60 opacity = 61 blur = 4 shadow color = black and last used.
7) Now go to the layer with the suncatch and copy it , Then past as new layer , Now using the deformation tool rotate it until it lines up with the shadow chain and make it a little smaller. moved the out suncatcher so you could see.
8) Now with it in place go to the layers palette and there's a little slider next to the different layers, slid the one that's next to the highlighted layer (3) to 41 then move that layer over layer one and drop it. 9) Now go to layers + merge + merge visible. Then copy and past as new image. Add any names or decorations you want at this time. 10) Then go to layers + merge + merge all (flatten) then save as jpg.
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