Names on Backgrounds and Borderless Tags
.1) Open a new image 200X200 transparent or the size and color you want your image. 2) Now select the text button 3) now with the text still selected you can rotate it if you wish, Go to image + rotate and set it to the rotation you want. (like 45 degrees) then deselect the text. Note: Now if your making this a borderless tag go on to step # 5 if its for a background go on to the next step #4. 4) Now open your layers pallet and move the slider to make the text lighter. (I set mine to 40) 5) Now if your using a transparent background and want
something other then white, we need to add a new layer and fill it with
color or a pattern, To fill with a pattern click on the fill (paint can 6) Now take layer 2 in your layer pallet and drag it over the top of layer one. (this will put it behind your name). 7) Now go to layer + merge + merge all (flatten), save as jpg and your done.
Note: you can go one step farther if you have the filter and want this to be a seamless background. 8) Go to image plugins + DCspecial + patterneditdo and you get this that when put in a mail as a background will fill the page seamless.
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