Scanner Tutorial
. . 1) Open a new image 300X300 16 mil color. 2)select the shape tool 3) Now using the deformation tool 4) Now add a new layer. 5) make a rectangle 50X240 with shape tool and move it so its centered under the deformed one. 6) Now add another new layer. 7) Add another new rectangle 35X100 with shape tool and move it to the center top of the deformed rectangle. 8) Merge visible 9) Select with magic wand
10) Now using the selection tool select just the top rectangle. 11) apply Andromeda Cutline set at LPI=8, cutline 12) inner bevel with same settings as above. 13) add new layer 14) Using the line tool
15) Merge all (flatten), Resize, add a name like scanner 2000 or whatever you want and your done.
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