Scanner Tutorial



1) Open a new image 300X300 16 mil color.

2)select the shape tool set your foreground color to black or the color you want your scanner and make a rectangle 200X90.

3) Now using the deformation tool and Holding the Ctrl key down deform the top untill its 35 pix wide and move it to center of image and apply.

4) Now add a new layer.

5) make a rectangle 50X240 with shape tool and move it so its centered under the deformed one.

6) Now add another new layer.

7) Add another new rectangle 35X100 with shape tool and move it to the center top of the deformed rectangle.

8) Merge visible

9) Select with magic wand and apply innerbevel 30, 15, 12, 0, 50, color white, 315, 50, 30. Then deselect.

resized 50%

10) Now using the selection tool select just the top rectangle.

11) apply Andromeda Cutline set at LPI=8, cutline

12) inner bevel with same settings as above.

13) add new layer

14) Using the line tool set at

second tab

and draw a line out the top and going around and off the side.

15) Merge all (flatten), Resize, add a name like scanner 2000 or whatever you want and your done.


Copyright © 2000 by GandlfDrgn, all rights reserved


Tutorials By 
This and all tutorials made by me are copyrighted and are the sole property of GandlfDrgn. All graphics used in this tutorial are property of there respective artist and I would like to give them full credit and thanks. I give my permission to  Ldy Archrr aka Artists for PSP to place any and all tutorials that I have made on her site.. this 18th day of October 2000