Making A Cherry Tutorial



1) Open a new image 300X300.

2) Set your foreground color to black and your background color to dark red.

3) Click on the shape tool and set it like this Circle Filled & stroked Line width = 1.

Then make a circle 100X100.

4) Now using the magic wand select the center then go to noise + add set at 15.

Then deselect.

Its hard to tell .... but its speckled now.

5) Then go to deformations warp set at -20, 20, 50, 50.

It's oblongish now.

6) Now select the line tool and set it at freehand, stroked and 1.

Then make a black line showing the curve of the cherry.

7) Now still using the line tool set at line width 5 make the stem.

8) Now using the shapes tool , set at ellipse, filled and the number don't matter, make a small ellipse at the end of the stem so it looks like it was picked off the tree.

9) Now add a new layer.

Then change your foreground color to white and make a circle using the shape tool off to one side.

10) Now go to blur + gaussian blur set at 8.00.

And there you have a cherry!

Make a few and bunch them or add a leaf to a bunch put your name on one or add tubes.



Copyright © 2000 by GandlfDrgn, all rights reserved


Tutorials By 
This and all tutorials made by me are copyrighted and are the sole property of GandlfDrgn. All graphics used in this tutorial are property of there respective artist and I would like to give them full credit and thanks. I give my permission to  Ldy Archrr aka Artists for PSP to place any and all tutorials that I have made on her site.. this 18th day of October 2000